Thursday, September 26, 2019

The most renowned residential educational institutions of India nowadays have a well-defined security management structure in their campus to ensure the wellbeing of the students. Prominent boarding schools especially focus on developing effective security policies for the optimal protection of their students as well as staff members. The policies of the best girls and boys boarding school in India are especially known to highlight the diverse processes and procedures that have to be followed in the campus during any type of an emergency.

All prominent boarding schools today have round-the-clock security in the campus. Some of them even have a Safety and Security Department, which is responsible for monitoring, managing, and handling any kind of concerns that might arise in relation to safety and security in these institutions. These are two of the most vital tasks that are conducted by these in-campus security departments:
  • These departments are usually staffed with experienced and trained professionals who are able to recommend the best practices that have to be followed in any institution so as to ensure the optimal safety and security of the students. They usually make these recommendations to the relevant Senior Management of the school.
  • The staff members of this department are typically responsible for monitoring, as well as responding to any type of emergency that might arise in the campus during any time of the day. They are tasked with the responsibility to monitor the CCTV network present in the best girls and boys boarding school in India in order to prevent any instances of bullying and other such malpractices. These institutions have zero tolerance policy towards bullying, and also take a solid stance against drug and alcohol abuse and have an adequate security infrastructure in place to ensure their prevention.
Common injuries and illnesses in these world-class boarding schools are also handled in-house by a full-time doctor. In addition to ensuring the physical well-being of the students, majority of boarding schools today put a great amount of emphasis on ensuring their mental health as well. As such, these schools always have school counselors who are ready to provide the needed guidance and emotional assistance to the troubled students.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Key Features of the Best Boarding Schools in India

Boarding schools provide a lot of advantages to students. They make them independent, well-disciplined, better at accepting and resolving life’s issues, and develop a positive mindset. Thus, many parents wish to admit their children into boarding schools all over the world. Even in India, the trend of sending children to boarding schools is increasing due to these advantages. However, parents often consider a few things before they can send their children to boarding schools. Be it a Mumbai, Delhi or Dehradun boarding school fees, infrastructure, health and security are some common considerations always there in the mind of parents. And the best boarding schools in India make sure these concerns or worries are removed owing to some great features which are as follows.


The best schools have amazing infrastructure with sprawling campus which is Wi-Fi enabled and provides courts and areas for practising a number of sports and physical activities. The academic and administrative activities are carried out in separate buildings so that learning may not be disturbed by anything at all. The classrooms are equipped with latest technological features, ergonomically designed furniture, and open spaces to experience learning amid a natural setting. Hostels are separate for boys, girls, and younger students. The dorms are airy, spacious, have comfortable beds and furniture, and provide great spaces for studying, recreation, and living happily and peacefully.


The meals provided to students at these schools take proper care of their nutritional statuses. The meals are approved of by trained nutritionists and menus changed regularly in consultation with mess committees which comprise students and staff. Every student gets a balanced diet suiting his or her dietary preferences and this ensures their health is maintained.


These schools have tight security. There are CCTV cameras monitoring every corner of the campuses and trained guards always on duty. There are security bodies which look into security issues, counsellors resolving intra and interpersonal issues, and strict policies against substance abuse.

Thus, parents, before admitting their wards in a boarding school, should consider the aforementioned features. Sending their children to these schools will relieve them of any worry.