Monday, December 26, 2022


While many people work hard, those that are successful also incorporate some smart work into their plans. If you're a student, this tip will always come in handy while you're learning.

We are all aware of the significance of self-study for academic success. The smart work we were just talking about in our language our language, the smart work we were just talking about is self-studies. 

Nevertheless, we are also aware that it is challenging to focus while studying, and even the smallest things might derail your efforts.

Let’s first discuss the importance of self-studies and why you should be spending time on it.

- Self-learning aids in reducing the stress or dissatisfaction that students experience during exams as a result of excessive pressure.

- It assists you in comprehending how to choose what to study and how to study according to your own potential.

– It gives pupils the freedom to take their own notes and learn information in their native tongue.

- It gives kids more self-assurance and enables them to study with their adaptable schedules.

- It also gives students the opportunity to learn at their own pace, allowing them to concentrate on the subjects they find the most difficult. They are free from performance pressure and can only concentrate on studying when they follow a self-study schedule.

We have jotted down some self-study tips for you all that will motivate and help you stay disciplined in your endeavour to study.

- Start by identifying the areas that fascinate you and that you find difficult. Once you've realised it, you should come up with a plan. Prioritize learning the difficult subjects before moving on to the easier ones.

- Perform a trial run before creating a chart or plan for your study. By test run, we mean that you observe your pace for a week and then make reasonable goals in light of it. If you set your goals too high at first, you'll lose focus quickly and be unable to maintain your study schedule.

- Write down your notes throughout your self-study session in straightforward terms to help you understand the ideas. By doing this, you can remember information and instantly refer back to that note when you forget a topic.

- Experiment with a tonne of various learning methods to keep your self-studies exciting. Use e-books and other technical tools sometimes, and entertaining learning games or exam series on other occasions.

- To learn effectively, use the Pomodoro technique. This strategy requires you to concentrate on your task for 25 minutes without interruptions, followed by a 5- or 10-minute break. Follow this cycle 5–6 times, and you will be able to learn a lot.

- Sometimes reading from books and taking notes is ineffective for grasping a difficult concept. You must have encountered this problem when studying physics topics, thus we advise you to use the internet to your advantage. Watching YouTube videos is one of the most effective learning tips we'll recommend. 

- Designate a space for self-study. Keep your books, water bottle, and other essential items nearby so you won't need to frequently get up from your study table.

- Take regular breaks from your study schedule. Make sure to take lengthier pauses after studying for a long time to allow your mind to rest. Do whatever you prefer to do in your free time, like get a snack or listen to music.

We sincerely hope that our study tips for students help you all in reaching your goals and scoring good marks. Self-study eases when you attend a school that helps you in your learning process. At Kasiga School, reckoned as the best school in Dehradun, students receive constant support in their academic journey. Our dedicated educators help students at every step of the way so that they can reach the pinnacle of their maximum potential.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Reasons why you join Kasiga School for your Child

 It is essential to choose a good school for your child where they may have a high-quality educational experience that promotes their growth. The course of a child's academic career is decided by the parent's school selection. A good school also helps children develop their personalities, which is another reason why you should choose carefully when picking schools for your child's education.

Therefore, we think Kasiga School is the best option if you're looking for a top school for your child to enrol in!


Let us explore the factors that make Kasiga School a premier educational institution in Dehradun.

We'd like to start with the school's environment.

At Kasiga, students come from all parts of India and even from abroad to study which makes the school's atmosphere rich in diversity as well as aids in personal growth. Kāsiga School is home to students from India, Nepal, the U.A.E, Thailand, Bangladesh, the United States of America, Canada, Singapore and Russia. This is the reason that contributes to the impeccable growth of all students in this school as they get exposure to different cultures and perspectives.

The next important factor that you must consider is the educational curriculum a school follows. Kasiga is affiliated with CBSE, CAIE, and IGCSE educational board which provides students with a lot of curricula options.

Now, that we have mentioned that the school is rich in diversity, it is explicit that they also provide residential facilities to the students. Not only do they offer very comfortable lodging facilities but also pastoral care along with 24/7 medical service availability. Not to mention the school is very safe and secured with guards as well as CCTV cameras for top-notch security of students. They also offer high-quality and hygienic mess facilities to all students.

The school keeps in mind the importance of science and technology for the development of students and has established state-of-art laboratories for experimentation. Apart from this, they also provide fully-equipped facilities for art and craft, a library, and an amphitheatre for cultural fests.

So, now you know that this school maintains the balance between scholastic and non-scholastic activities which helps in the overall development of students which every parent wants for their children. The school has a great reputation as it has received accolades and recognition from Future 50 Schools Shaping Success, has got 10th Education World School Rankings-2018-19 and the list goes on. 

As it is a boarding school in Dehradun, the school authorities have also made Zero tolerance rules for bullying which make this school not only great for academics but also a safe place where a parent can send their kids. 

We hope that all these factors back the fact that Kasiga school is the best boarding school in Dehradun for your child.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Tips to Foster a Positive attitude in children

 One of the most crucial aspects of child upbringing continues to be the development of a child's personality characteristics. It's also one of the things we overlook the most, which leads to problems down the road. Therefore, we believe that encouraging an optimistic perspective in kids from an early age can help them respond maturely to challenging circumstances.

But how do we teach them to have a positive outlook on life?

Here, we've provided some suggestions that will assist you in guiding your kids toward developing a positive attitude and improved coping mechanisms for challenging situations.

1. Act as a role model

Setting the appropriate example for your children can be accomplished by modelling positivism in front of them. Make sure they concentrate on the times when you maintained your composure and the results of a situation went in your favour. While allowing them to have an optimistic view, avoid teaching them toxic positivism. Instead, keep them grounded in reality.

2. Instill the value of realism

Continuing from the first point, encourage your youngster to address the issue on their own rather than instilling false optimism or hope in them. Rather than repeating the mantra of fake optimism, encourage your child to face the facts that stand in the way of his goals and find a solution for them.

3. Make them engage in a gratitude exercise

Teach your child to express gratitude to help them focus on the positive aspects of life. They'll be motivated by this activity to look for ways to be grateful for every day and to be content with what they have.

4. Recommend that they keep a diary in which they can record everything that happens to them.

To help them reflect on what they can learn from an experience, encourage your child to note both small moments of joy and disappointment. Teach them to be proactive in implementing the changes they believe ought to have taken place otherwise.

5. Teach them appropriate responses

The very last and most important piece of advice we can provide you is to demonstrate to your kid how to respond calmly in stressful situations. Pay attention to their feelings and show them how to handle each emotion in a responsible manner. This will enable them to develop more effectively and maintain their optimism under pressure.

We can't constantly be there for our kids, and we can't shield them from all the disappointments and setbacks they'll experience. Nevertheless, by instilling in them the value of positivity, we can help them in overcoming the tough moments in their lives.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Meeting work commitments, managing your home life, and monitoring your child’s schooling can be a difficult undertaking. Nowadays, everyone is so preoccupied with building a secure and prosperous future for their family that we frequently fail to sustain a healthy sense of balance in our daily lives. Sometimes parents are unable to give their children the attention they require due to a lack of time. This is one of the reasons modern parents choose boarding schools for their children and put their trust in such educational institutions. Another reason is that the top international boarding schools provide a global level of education and support complete child development.

Now that we are informed about the advantages that boarding schools provide for the growth and development of any child, let’s discuss all the other aspects that parents should consider before sending their children to a boarding school. Today’s article will go over the top ten facilities to consider while narrowing down your child’s options for an international boarding school. Particularly if you are intending to enrol your child at a top residential school in Dehradun, the amenities we shall highlight in this article would certainly be available there. So, let’s continue reading and go straight into the subject.

1) Hygienic practices.

One of the most crucial factors that you should never overlook when selecting a boarding school for your child is cleanliness and hygiene. Children are kept in a clean environment at home; however, not all boarding school facilities have the same stringent standards. Therefore, in order to be sure that your child lives in a very sanitary and disease-free atmosphere, you must visit the school’s campus and observe how they maintain their premises. Remember that your child’s health is the foundation of his or her scholastic success.

2) Security.

The safety of a child is of paramount importance. Make sure the school you are considering has 24/7 safety and strict security measures. Verify all of the requirements for the kid safety precautions they have put in place on their property. You can inquire about the security measures put in place at the school as well as the presence of guards at the entrances. Only send your child to that school if you are completely satisfied with their security and safety. Due to the excellent security, parents frequently entrust their children’s education to the top residential school in Dehradun.

3) Dorms at hostels.

Inspect the hostel rooms that the school provides and ensure that they have all of the required conveniences for your child. In order for your child to grow up happily in the space, it must be comfortable and well-kept like home.

4) Pastoral care.

Every child must be closely monitored to guarantee proper growth and development. Since you can’t be in the dormitory with your child, the school is required to have pastoral care professionals who can watch over them and make sure all of their requirements are being addressed. They also make certain that your youngster is not involved in any inappropriate activities on the premises.

5) Medical assistance

An illness can strike a student at any time; therefore a boarding school needs to have a fully staffed medical staff and facility to ensure your child is taken care of properly. This is yet another essential quality in a school that you should search for. This is yet another factor in favour of parents sending their children to the top residential school in Dehradun.

6) Recreational areas.

Sports facilities are relatively prevalent in international boarding schools in Dehradun, however, not all of them are of the finest quality. Therefore, enrol your child in a residential school where the best sports facilities are provided to students to encourage them to play and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

7) The Library.

Checking out the school library is the next most crucial step. The library books should be updated with the most recent editions in the school because a child will learn much of his or her knowledge from books.

8) Extracurricular pursuits.

A boarding school is regarded favourably if it provides pupils with a balanced curriculum that places equal emphasis on academics and extracurricular activities. Make sure your child is enrolled in a boarding school where they can discover their hidden talents.

9) Modern technology.

It is essential that a residential school incorporates the usage of technology for its pupils so that they may keep up with the world and learn new things. Technology must be used in these schools in such a way that it helps pupils grow and learn more. If they provide technologically equipped infrastructure, then you can enrol your child in that residential school.

10) Recreation.

Learning and leisure are equally vital. In order to allow students to unwind, search for a school that offers them the opportunity to engage in leisure activities. A daily dose of some time off from the hectic schedule of classes will help your child replenish and perform in a much better way.

If a school provides every one of the aforementioned features, you are good to go. Choose the top residential school in Dehradun for your child’s overall development because all these amenities are crucial and must be offered to every child during their formative years. Finding the ideal school may seem like a difficult process, but the work will be well worth it. Consider the international boarding schools in Dehradun, which are renowned around the country for providing pupils with the best education and the finest amenities, to reduce your work to a minimum. If you want your child to do well and grow in a comprehensive way, then keep all of the points mentioned above in mind and make a wise choice!

Wednesday, July 20, 2022




We live in a world where the internet exists; it has helped everyone to transcend physical barriers and give access to other people's lives to some level. It is unquestionably a boon to our society, but we must also recognise the need of teaching our kids valuable life skills. This is where boarding or residential schools come into play; these academic institutions are designed to develop kids so they can succeed in life. If you are looking for excellent educational institutions for your child, look no further since the best boarding schools in Dehradun are there to meet the expectations of both parents and students.

Given that Dehradun is one of the best cities for education, we will talk about some of its top residential schools in the article you are reading right now. It is the state capital of Uttarakhand and is situated in the Himalayas of the North. With breathtaking landscapes and a temperate climate, this city is suitable for students' study. Additionally fairly developed, this city meets the needs of students, and it is conveniently reachable from everywhere in the nation and overseas. It is the only destination that welcomes students from diverse backgrounds as they embark on their academic paths. The majority of the boarding schools in Dehradun feature outstanding multicultural populations, which facilitates each student's growth in a somewhat more all-encompassing manner.

So, let us begin by reviewing the list of residential schools with hostel facilities in Dehradun, India:-

1. Kasiga School, Dehradun

In Purkul Village, halfway between Dehradun and Mussoorie, there is a co-educational school called Kasiga School that was established in 2005.

Considered to be the top boarding school with hostel facilities in Dehradun, India, it is home to a sizable multicultural population of students who come from all over the world. The instructional module of Kasiga prepares students to excel in entrance exams for the premier universities in India as well as abroad. They have won recognition and honours for being among the top 50 schools in India by the "Future 50 schools influencing success" and held a position in the 2019–20 Education World School Rankings, making them a credible institution for enrolling your kids.

Educational Board - For examinations, they employ the CBSE, IGCSE, and Cambridge Assessment International Educational Program board patterns.

School Type: Co-ed residential school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Pastoral care: Available.

Healthcare Facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


2. Woodstock School, Mussoorie

Founded in 1854, the coed Woodstock School is a private, non-profit educational school that is nestled in a nice location in Dehradun. It is also one of the oldest institutions in Asia and is regarded as the best residential school in Dehradun. The institution enjoys widespread acclaim, and it offers students a stage for showcasing their abilities by enabling them to realise their fullest potential. They are committed to developing ethical individuals who will become responsible global citizens.

Educational board: IB.

School Type: Boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:

3. Welham Boys School

Another treasure on our list of boarding schools with hostel facilities, this school has been there since the British era. This school places a strong emphasis on grooming children and developing wonderful manners as a part of their complete development, in addition to academic accomplishment. They work to mould students in a comprehensive way and have created a healthy learning atmosphere for students.

Educational Board: CBSE.

School Type: Boys boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


4. The Asian School, Dehradun

The Asian School is affiliated with the CBSE board of education and follows the curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education. Their academic years start in April, and the school offers top-notch education, extracurricular activities, sports, labs, transportation, catering, security, and a range of additional amenities to make sure every student is at ease. It is reckoned as the best residential school in Dehradun but also offers schooling facilities to day boarders. This school imparts world-class education and also focuses on topics such as the well-being and mental health of students.

Educational Board: CBSE, IB.

School Type: Day boarding and boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


5. Ecole Globale International Girls School, Dehradun

This is a boarding school for girls located in Dehradun. It is an English-medium school that complies with the CBSE and CIE boards. It is also regarded as the best school with residential facilities for girls operated by the Asian Education Charitable Society. The nicest part about this school is that it constantly updates the curriculum to reflect changes taking place in the outside world, keeping its students ahead of most kids. This is the best girls' residential school, nestled in a tranquil setting away from the hustle and bustle of the city, providing students with a good atmosphere in which to learn.

Educational Board: CBSE, CIE.

School Type: Female boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


6. The Doon School

The Doon School is another well-known boarding school in Dehradun that operates in English-medium coursework and enlists a diversified student body as a result of its stellar reputation. The institution is spread across a 72-acre campus and follows the standards established by three significant educational boards. Because of its excellent faculty and facilities, it provides a wonderful learning atmosphere. This is an extremely suggested option for parents who want to enrol their kids in boys' boarding schools. Any child can start their academic career at this school, which has produced a number of well-known personalities.

Educational Board: CISCE, IGCSE, I.

School Type: Only boys-boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


7. Convent of Jesus and Mary Waverley School

It is a girls' day boarding and boarding school located on the outskirts of the city and is recognised as the best residential school for girls in Dehradun. It was established in 1845 and has a remarkable reputation for exhibiting pupils' successful academic records. The Mussoorie mountains, which are covered in snow, surround the school's grounds, which is also seen to be the safest place for girls to attend school.

Educational Board: CBSE

School Type: Only girls-boarding school.

Sports facilities: Available.

Healthcare facilities: Available.

To know more about their fee structure and admission process, click on the link given below.

Website link:


These are the few notable suggestions we have for you to consider if you're searching for the premier boarding schools in Dehradun for your child's education. Dehradun is not only India's "Hub of Education," but it's also a perfect place for your child to grow in virtues like self-reliance, morality, chivalry, obedience, punctuality, and so forth. We hope this article helped you and added value to your knowledge.



Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Importance of CAIE Education System in India

The internationally renowned curriculum known as CAIE stands for Cambridge Assessment International Education programme.  The education offered by the CAIE education system is respected both in India and internationally and helps students become self-assured individuals. This academic curriculum is very important since it develops a learner's abstract and applied knowledge in equal measure. In contrast to other boards in India, the CAIE system is associated with the prestigious University of Cambridge and is known all over the world. Students who want to live overseas and who want to stand out while applying to institutions, particularly those in the UK, are recommended to join this board. The CAIE board-affiliated school in India uses English as the primary language of instruction, which benefits pupils in their effort to master it. The majority of the oldest schools use this board's curriculum, which adds to its worth. Both regular and private applicants are able to acquire an education there thanks to their flexible framework.

Having established the significance of the CAIE educational system, let's review the top CAIE schools in India.

1- Kasiga School in Dehradun

2- Ecole Globale Girls International School, Sahaspur, Dehradun

3- Delhi Public School, Bangalore

4- Shiv Nadar School, DLF City, Gurgaon

5- Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai

Friday, June 3, 2022

Here's Why Boarding Schools Help Develop Skills In Children


Education is unquestionably the first stone or foundation laid for a good academic journey and subsequent professional career. "Knowledge opens doors of opportunity," as the saying goes, and there's no denying that formal education is highly appreciated and aids in the development of a child's whole personality. Parents are increasingly focusing on their children's education and enrolling them in the top educational institutions so that they are prepared to handle the world. Schools are run in a lot of formats, but today we'll focus just on boarding schools, how they influence students' experience, and why parents desire to send their children to the best boarding school in India.

For millennia, boarding schools have existed all across the world. India is home to some of the world's best boarding schools, which are located in some of the country's finest and ideal destinations. These institutions are well-known for the curriculum they offer and the comprehensive approach to student development that they take. It has been observed that students who attend the best co-ed boarding schools in India perform and manage themselves better than many other students. After conducting considerable research, the Association of Boarding Schools in India came to this conclusion. Students in a residential facility live in a shared environment where they meet individuals from various cultural backgrounds and have opportunities to socialize outside of the classroom, which helps them develop their personalities. They also learn to respect a wider range of cultures and viewpoints. The learning experience at the best boarding schools in India is much more than academic learning; it teaches students about being away from home while yet being able to build themselves. Some kids struggle at first, but after some time, they are strong enough to stand tall. Many parents send their children to boarding school mainly to instil in them a feeling of responsibility and discipline.

Today's article will focus on the abilities that students acquire while attending a residential school away from home:

1- They help children learn social skills and manners

At a boarding school, children must act in a certain way because they interact with pupils from diverse backgrounds who play and converse with them, forcing them to be respectful of everybody. It simply instils the value of good manners and helps pupils develop their social skills via actual practice. One learns to be open and accepting by having to engage with others who hold diverse perspectives and beliefs.

2- Attending a boarding school fosters collaboration and enhances communication abilities

The social atmosphere that schools provide, particularly the best co-ed boarding schools in India, allows children to learn the value of teamwork, cooperation, and effective communication. Various group activities held at schools reinforce the understanding that it takes to work toward a goal that benefits everyone while also building trust and respect. This quality benefits students considerably in the workplace and allows them to advance quickly in their careers.

3- Students are transformed into "Woke" individuals

A residential school setting teaches kids more about society and their role in it. They get to spend time with a variety of people, each of whom brings their unique set of experiences that have an effect on everyone. The unique experiences of the students also keep them informed about what is going on in different parts of the country. This awareness helps them become better people who can have a beneficial impact on the world and take thoughtful action.

4- Students learn how to manage their time and set a budget

Students learn to prioritise their work and manage their time when they are away from home. Students grow concerned about their grades when they don't have their parents around to remind them to study on a regular basis. Students at the best co-ed boarding schools in India are also required to get up on time and go to bed on time, which helps them maintain self-discipline. When it comes to budgeting, nothing teaches children the value of money like having a limited amount of money to spend. Students learn how to control their demands and distinguish between necessity and luxury, which is an important skill to master.

5- Improvement of leadership abilities

Leadership is one of the most important talents to have in today's environment, and boarding schools strive to cultivate it. Furthermore, children are placed in situations where they must move beyond their comfort zone and assume responsibility in order to attain their objectives. Aside from that, kids gain leadership skills, resourcefulness, and creativity through projects and other co-curricular activities.

Finally, we'd like to emphasize that students form long-term relationships that help them become more compassionate and broad-minded, as well as educate them on how to network. These friendships serve everyone later in life and provide all kinds of support when you have a diverse set of pals.

If you're considering enrolling your child in a school, we recommend looking into the best co-ed boarding schools in India, where they can acquire all of the skills listed above. It will also provide children with a firm knowledge of how the real world works and how to navigate themselves without their parents' continual assistance. It will prepare them for university and professional life, and they will feel more at ease and in control of their lives as a result of it.

This is the key to getting them on the right track!