Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Top 10 Things to Know About Boarding School


Importance of a boarding school-

Passing knowledge is the most emblematic and outstanding act that one may both receive and reciprocate. Education is a crucial aspect of a child’s upbringing, and if not selected carefully, it might hinder their future prospects. When it comes to education, individuals like to choose CBSE schools because of its streamlined curriculum, which makes admission to those institutions relatively easier.

All parents want to select the best boarding school for their child, one that would not only shape and build their educational ecosystem but also be the most prudent and helpful for them. The Kasiga School is the best and most elite coed CBSE boarding school in Dehradun that provides students with an array of academic, extracurricular, and hospitality opportunities.

Why should one choose a boarding school?

  1. Ensuring the utmost importance is placed on the school’s safety and security procedures. This pertains to the safeguarding of the transportation system, the physical structures, and the existence of proficient security personnel.
  2. At Kasiga International School, we promote parent participation to keep an eye on things, inform the parents, and keep them updated at every stage.
  3. Positive learning environments can be fostered by actively participating in school events, utilizing effective communication channels, and engaging in regular parent-teacher conferences.
  4. To ascertain the compatibility between the educational philosophies of the school and your expectations for your child’s education, it is advisable to compare the needs of the children with what the school is willing to provide for your child’s exceptional educational future.
  5. boarding school cultivates in students the importance of both respect and tenderness. Students are instructed to live together with peers from various cultural origins and acquire the skills to adapt to unfamiliar environments, preparing them for practical experiences in the real world.
  6. A wide variety of extracurricular activities, including clubs, athletics, and the arts, are usually made available to students attending boarding schools. Students may be able to discover and develop their hobbies and abilities with the assistance of this.
  7. The multicultural atmosphere fostered by Kasiga School’s varied student body has earned it a reputation as one of Dehradun’s premier CBSE institutions. Teachers should expose their students to many viewpoints and urge them to extend their horizons in order to foster tolerance and understanding in them.
  8. Students at boarding schools have the unique chance to form bonds with their instructors and peers that will last a lifetime. All through life, these relationships can be a boon to people’s careers and personal lives. Connecting with others who share.

Hence, think no more and choose the best boarding school for your child and secure them a seat at the kasiga school, the best CBSE boarding school in Dehradun which is inclusive of all above-mentioneda features and characteristics.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Smart Ways to Study and Prepare for CBSE Board Exams 2024

 Central Board of Secondary Education, is a mandatory exam taken by students in their Board classes like 10th and 12th. The most crucial time of a student’s school life is when they are to appear for board exams. With the anxieties and stress burning out students, some might wonder why do they need to even appear for two rounds of robust and intense board examinations and some might find study tips for the board exams. The CBSE board has been very selective and careful while making this decision of putting the students through the board exams which becomes a paramount benchmark and a milestone in their school life.

The reason why taking the board exam is so essential is because it lays a foundation and helps the students to adapt a competitive attribute that would be beneficial to them in the future. Through CBSE board exams, they are exposed to the purview of a curriculum that has been hand-picked and selected based on a criteria which serve essential in forming and moulding the student’s moral, social and academic code of conduct. Class 10th board exams are tutorial sessions for the last stage i.e. the class 12th board exams which decide the finality of a student’s school life. Essential for students to pass these classes with flying colors and become expert’s in learning, remembering and comprehending, these board exams train them for their future.

Board examinations, on the other hand, are just another form of test that students have taken in the past. The sole distinction is that board examinations are the first nationally recognised assessments for students. If a student passes the exams, it could improve both his or her academic and professional prospects. Additionally, a student’s sincerity and sense of responsibility are demonstrated by their performance on board exams. CBSE School and Board exams are therefore the first and most crucial step in choosing a future career path. The primary factor that determines whether you will be able to enrol in your desired stream in the eleventh grade and further as your career, is your performance in CBSE class 10.

To attain and successfully clear the exam, one might get ease by adopting measures and habits that help students surpass the exams without any such difficulties.

Following is a list of CBSE board exam tips and tricks that the students can adopt and benefit from-

  • To have a systematic and planned out schedule will benefit students as they will be able to manage their time and give proper time to all subjects.
  • Division and understanding the syllabus and the curriculum is one of the most essential steps and a board exam tip and trick that students abide by. With this, they get a clear understanding of how to memorize and prepare and conduct selective study if necessary.
  • Finding a professional and expert tutor and guide to help you complete and understand the tough subjects and courses can help students be more well-versed with their curriculum.
  • Solving past papers and being aware of the pattern of the previous papers can help students analyse the paper pattern and the demanded topics so that they prepare accordingly.
  • Practising regularly and being in a routine helps one to pass their board exams with flying colors and not let the stress and baggage of the course disrupt them.
  • Staying calm, consistent and determined is the best study tips for board exams as it allows the students to be in touch and learn their syllabus and subjects to the best of their abilities.

It is therefore essential for students to adopt a routine and follow board exam tips and tricks so that they are able to surpass all the hurdles and succeed in their board exams. CBSE board exams 2024 are scheduled to be conducted from February to April with the required time gap and are scheduled differently for students in class 10th and 12th. Hence follow the above-mentioned CBSE board exam tips to worry no more and perform well in the upcoming examination.

Friday, January 5, 2024

How Kasiga CBSE School Prepare Students for the Future

It matters most when it comes to selecting the right school for your children in order for them to achieve academic success and holistic greatness. Kasiga School is without a doubt one of the Best coed cbse school in dehradun, ranking fourth with the highest success rate garneting excellent academic excellence emphasising on Holistic Education as well. 


Extra-Curricular Activities – 

Extracurricular activities play an essential role in forming a student's character and teaching important life skills.. Kasiga School is one of the schools that offer a wide range of extracurricular activities. Kasiga has always encouraged students to develop a personality through the media that is most appropriate for them, whether it is art, music, dance, painting, sculpture, theatre, or creative writing. Craft, Pottery, Guitar Ukulele, Keyboard, Harmonica, Drums / Percussionse, Indian Classical Dance, Indian Vocal, Tabla, and Western Vocal are some of the activities available. English Debate, Science Club, Reading Club, Hindi Debate, Photography, School Band, Model United Nations, Theatre, and Business Club are among the clubs available. With so many activities available, students can explore their passions and interests while exhibiting their talent. 


Location – 

Dehradun, with its rich greenery, beautiful landscapes, and comfortable climate, provides a great setting for a school like Kasiga School. The campus merges in with the surrounding hills and natural environments, creating an environment that fosters concentration, creativity, and a deep love of nature. The school's location indicates a deliberate choice, stressing balance and avoiding the bustle of bustling cities while giving calm and concentration to the student. 

Sports – 

Well-equipped outdoor sports facilities at Kasiga provide children with world-class training in various forms of sports, administered by skilled and certified trainers. Sports, according to Kasiga, are an excellent opportunity for children to learn important life qualities such as teamwork and cooperation. Kasiga offers cricket, football, swimming, skating ,basketball, table tennis, lawn tennis, Athletics and shooting. With so many different activities, a student's mental and physical health improves, which is important for academic achievement. This also opens up various doors for students in their own hobbies as well. 

Educational Program – 

CBSE's curriculum is deliberately created to be fresh, up to date, effortlessly blending  with a variety of subjects. Students are exposed to a wide range of subjects, which provides them with a diverse skill set and have an in-depth background.  This method ensures that students not only obtain proficiency in their chosen subjects, but also develop a diverse skill set that prepares them to face the fluid challenges. Similarly, Kasiga School provides extensive and easy courses and programmes for the students so they gain knowledge from every perspective. 

Technology – 

In today's fast-paced modern world, technology has become essential for everyone, especially the upcoming generation. Kasiga School is one of the most technologically advanced schools, teaching digital skills and cutting-edge technology. Kasiga provides its students with the highest hi-tech knowledge through the use of modern computer facilities and laboratories with skill development programmes as well.

Career counselling– 

Curiosity-driven young minds and students have questions about their mandatory phase of life. Kasiga School offers professional academic career counselling so that students can move effortlessly and without hesitation. This personalized support helps the student to have a clear mind set. 

International Exposure – 

CBSE School frequently collaborates with international schools and programs, followed by foreign exchange programs that provide students with a broader perspective and allow them to acquire and adapt a global mentality. 

Kasiga School, as the best school in Dehradun, guarantees academic success as well as comprehensive education excellence. Kasiga creates opportunities for any student who wants to pursue their interest in addition to their studies. With such vast curriculum on skill development and professional faculty Kasiga makes it possible for students to have a bright future.