Friday, May 24, 2024

Top Exciting Summer Activities for students in 2024

 It’s summer time! Students are really excited and curious to get indulged into summer activities, learn new things, go on an outing, watch movies, play games, invite their friends for a sleepover, and much more.

Whether you are a work-from-home parent, a stay-at-home parent, or you work outside, you must keep your child active in some form of extracurricular activities. Otherwise, there may be too much screen time which is not at all healthy for them.

Fun Activities To Dive Into This Summer

Channelising your child’s energy positively and productively is quite a taxing task for parents. Irrespective of season, children need to be engaged in activities that keep them active and boost their creativity.

Thus to ensure that they have an amazing time while learning and growing, it is important to involve them in outdoor and indoor activities in summer to make it an exciting, relaxing and enriching one for them. Also, playing summer activities for students is vital to keep them busy and to accelerate their learning.

Hit the Beach ; Dive into a Pool

Be it swimming or enjoying water based activities, children love to spend time in water. So, why not bond with your loving children over some recreation and enjoyment?

Plan a trip to a waterfall, water park or join a swimming club to keep this scorching heat at bay in summers. There are many fun summer activities for kids that you can organize and participate in with your kids to provide them enjoyment and teach them crucial water safety skills.

Let them do Pillow Fights and Late-night Giggles

The best nights are sleepover nights. So do not deprive your children of the joy of enjoying sleepover with their friends. That’s because it teaches them social skills, make them independent and encourage them to foster cordial relationships. Afterall, friends who sleepover together, stays together.

Sleepovers also serve as a great opportunity for parents to know their children’s friends and establish rapport with them. Be it a movie night or a mix of fun activities like baking, dancing, playing interactive games or just a cozy, relaxed evening, sleepovers truly help in making summers delightful.

Take your child to Family Outings

Nothing brings your family closer together than a family trip!

So plan a day of excursions to museums, forts, Nature park, mall, beach or even volunteer at a community center. Do not miss the opportunity to accompany your children on trips as it plays a great role in strengthening family bonds and fostering a sense of unity that goes a long way in boosting the emotional development of children.

Also, children feel more connected to their parents and siblings when they travel together and share good times. So, do not put off your plans further, grab your stuff and set out for an enjoyable outing with your family.

Teach them Gardening

Are there any gardening mistakes? No, there are only gardening experiments. Let your children have a hands-on experience with nature. Through gardening, children develop a deep appreciation for nature and environment. They also learn about sustainable practices such as composting, recycling and water conservation.

To ensure a holistic learning experience for children, let them sow seeds, water plants, decorate garden, weed out unwanted plants and in this way they learn about plant life cycle and connect with nature. Visit a nursery or a local farm to promote their interest in gardening. It also helps them in fostering their physical, emotional and cognitive development while nurturing their connection to the natural world.

Engage your child in Storytelling

There is no friend as loyal as a book so cuddle up with an interesting children’s book and have a beautiful journey together.

Reading aloud improve the child’s vocabulary and fosters a love for reading. Storytelling can introduce children to different cultures, values and traditions. It also sparks an interest in books and reading.

So allow them to select a story and take turns doing crazy voices for the characters — it’s the perfect bonding activity.

Let them do Cooking and Baking with you

Get ready for some messy but tasty fun in the kitchen with your youngster.

Cooking and baking teach essential life skills, such as food preparation, kitchen safety and healthy eating habits to a child. Preparing various dishes also introduce children to different cultures and cuisines.

Baking cookies or decorating cupcakes together fosters in collaboration. They will acquire important life skills such as measuring and following directions. Successfully preparing a dish give children a sense of accomplishment and booster their confidence.

Overall, cooking and baking together can be a fun, educational and enriching experience that benefits children in many ways.

And, the delicious goodies are a plus!

Make them participate in Art and Craft Workshops

“Every artist was first an amateur.” Who know what lies in store for the young children spilling paints on the Canvas or brushing strokes on drawing sheets. Let’s not forget that the expert at anything was once a beginner.

So to introduce your children to the magical world of art and craft and unleash their creativity, enroll them in paper quilling, painting, drawing, and sketching sessions, DIY projects, origami, pottery, clay modeling, and many other summer activities for students to hone their creative skills.

Make your child Reconnect by Revisiting their Memories.

We know, we feel, we can’t deny that EMOTIONAL CONNECTION MATTERS.

For better mental health, enhanced cognitive development, higher quality of life and increased contentment, we all need healthy relationships and emotional security.

A great blessing that you can bestow upon your beloved children this summer is to spend time with them, connect them to their roots, take them to their ancestral home, the village of their grandparents, invite your close and distant relatives or visit them, take them to your school or college, introduce them to your friends, do whatever it takes to foster a sense of community to secure your child’s emotional well-being.

How about cooking some long forgotten family recipe? Or just flip through the pages of album of photographs. After all, photo albums are tickets to the past.

Summing Up:

Summer activities are a great learning experience for kids. One cannot ignore the indispensable role played by summer activities in honing skills of young learners and providing them recreation.

Some of the activities have been listed above that can help to keep children productively occupied in summers. To avoid the scorching heat of the Sun, they can take up a number of creative indoor activities in the afternoon hours to utilise their time profitably.

While in the evening when the weather becomes better, outdoor activities can be taken up which not only keep students actively engaged but also make them happy.

Kasiga School lays emphasis on the importance of activities as they play an instrumental role in shaping the personality of children.

Kasiga School is the first choice of parents when it comes to choosing a world class co-educational school for their children. With proven track record in the field of education, Kasiga needs no introduction. It has become synonymous with quality education. It provides an unparalleled blend of robust academics, outstanding sports and a wide array of extracurricular activities to secure wholesome development of students. Undoubtedly, it is the best school in Dehradun known for its healthy, positive and respectful school environment which is conducive to holistic growth and betterment of students.

Friday, May 10, 2024

The Impact of International Boarding Schools on Student Mental Health


International boarding schools have become a popular choice for students seeking a high-quality education in a foreign country. While these schools offer many benefits, such as cultural immersion, academic excellence, and global connections, they can also have a significant impact on student mental health. In this blog post, we will explore the potential positive impacts of International boarding school on student mental health, as well as the challenges and strategies for supporting student well-being.

Potential Positive Impacts

International boarding schools can have a positive impact on student mental health by providing a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters personal growth and development. Some of the potential positive impacts of international boarding schools on student mental health include:

Cultural immersion and language learning: Schools offer students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture and learn a new language, which can be a valuable experience for their personal and professional development.

Academic excellence and support: Boarding schools often have high academic standards and provide additional support to help students achieve their academic goals.

Global connections and networking: International boarding schools offer students the opportunity to connect with students from around the world, which can be beneficial for future career opportunities and personal relationships.

Personal growth and development: Provide students with the opportunity to develop important life skills, such as independence, self-reliance, and resilience.

Factors Contributing to Mental Health Issues:

Homesickness and Separation from Family: Leaving behind familiar surroundings and being separated from family can be a significant source of stress and anxiety for students. The transition to a new environment and lack of familiar support systems can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and homesickness, potentially contributing to mental health challenges.

Academic Pressure and Competition: Boarding schools are known for their rigorous academic programs and high expectations. The intense workload and competition among high-achieving peers can create immense pressure and stress on students. This pressure can lead to anxiety, burnout, and even depression if not managed effectively.

Social Challenges and Bullying: Adjusting to a new social environment with cultural and language barriers can be daunting for students. Power dynamics within boarding communities and instances of bullying or social exclusion can negatively impact students’ mental well-being and self-esteem.

Challenges and Strategies for Supporting Student Mental Health

While international boarding schools can have a positive impact on student mental health, there are also challenges and strategies for supporting student well-being. Some of the potential challenges include:

Adjustment to new environments and cultures: Students may struggle to adjust to new environments and cultures, which can lead to feelings of homesickness, anxiety, and depression.

Pressure to perform academically: International boarding schools often have high academic expectations, which can lead to stress and anxiety for students.

Separation from family and friends: Students may feel separated from their family and friends back home, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

To mitigate these challengesinternational boarding school in Dehradun, such as Kasiga School, can implement strategies to support student mental health. Some of these strategies include:

Providing access to mental health resources: Schools can provide access to mental health resources, such as counseling services, peer support groups, and stress management workshops.

Encouraging open communication: Schools can encourage open communication among students, staff, and faculty to create a sense of community and support.

Sense of community: Schools can foster a sense of community through extracurricular activities, social events, and cultural programs.

Promoting self-care and stress management: Schools can promote self-care and stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and exercise.


In conclusion, International boarding schools can have a significant impact on student mental health. While there are potential challenges and strategies for supporting student well-being, international boarding schools can also provide a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters personal growth and development.