Friday, November 16, 2018

Here’s how to go about Seeking Admission into a Boarding School

An exceptional transformation has taken place in the domain of education across the globe over the last decade or so. Apart from securing good academic grades, it has become incredibly important for children to hone their creative and social skills in order to succeed in this modern competitive world. However, it may not be possible for all parents to groom their children well in all aspects. As such, an increasing number of parents nowadays prefer to enroll their children into good residential boarding schools. Good boarding schools facilitate the all-round development of children and play a major role in shaping them into productive, balanced and responsible adults. One of the major reasons for this being that boarding schools get to devote much more time and resources to the development of their students in comparison to typical day schools

Overview on the Steps for seeking admission into a typical boarding schoo

In order to seek admission in a boarding school, parents will first have to fill out the boarding school admission form of the relevant boarding school they wish to seek admission in. Subsequent to this, students would ideally have to sit for a written assessment. These tests are essentially designed to test the proficiency of students in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, and Hindi.

The questions asked in these written examinations are usually based on the syllabus of the class that the student may currently be in. For example, in case a student is applying for admission in Class IX, he/she would be assessed on the syllabus of class VIII. In most cases, the syllabus for the entrance assessment is made available to the students along with a few sample papers on the website of the relevant boarding school.  Subsequent to the written assessment, students and their parents might even have to appear for an interaction with the Principal and the Admission Committee of the school.

At the time of the entrance evaluation, the students also should carry the following important documents:

  • Birth certificate, attested.
  • Academic reports and certificates from the last three years
  • Individual passport size photographs of the student and the parent

To get the boarding school admission form and acquire other details about the entrance procedure there, parents can visit the website of the relevant educational institution that they have chosen to enroll their child into.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

An Overview on the Key features of Boarding Schools

Boarding schools essentially play the role of a home away from home and focus on the all-round development of children. Most renowned internationalboarding schools India, along with offering holistic education also ensure the overall personality development of children so they can grow up to be well-balanced and matured individuals.

In addition, students who join the boarding schools automatically learn various survival skills as they are all on their own there. Students studying in such residential facilities thus learn to do all the basic daily chores like washing, tidying up their living area, responsibly managing their supplies, etc., pretty early in life. This self-reliance becomes a way of life for these students which help in a big way when they step into adult life.

When looking forward to admit your child in a well-known internationalboarding schools in India, you must make sure that the institution fares well on the below mentioned parameters:

  • The physical, psychological and interpersonal needs of the students must be met at the boarding school. The school should motivate the students to participate in cultural, athletic, and artistic activities. The curriculum and daily routine to be followed by the children must include activities like sports, arts, crafts and other co curricular activities. All these assist children to grow and develop into well-rounded individuals with exceptional interpersonal skills and leadership abilities.
  • The boarding school should also have the advanced security features with access control and 24/7 video surveillance. In addition, the boarding school should also hire well-trained security personnel to prevent access to any unauthorized individuals into school premises. As the boarding school is the place where the children will be living and studying it is essential that parents first look for and scrutinize the safety features provided by the school so they can rest assured that their children are living safely.
  • The health and wellbeing of children studying here should be the main concern of any boarding school as children spend all of their time here. A boarding school must offer a sanitized environment, a clean dining area and hygienic washrooms. Apart from this, the meals served to students should be balanced, nutritious and planned by a knowledgeable dietician. In addition, the boarding school must also have a well-set medical room and it must have qualified nurses and a resident doctor to administer any required treatments to the students.
Boarding schools with the above mentioned features can always ensure that the children studying under their portals will get the best in terms of education as well as upbringing.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Things your daughter can carry when enrolling in a residential school

Once you’ve found the best girls’ residential school in Dehradun, it is time to help your little one pack. While you may have a heavy heart, you should be happy that your child has an opportunity to avail the best quality education in an environment that is safe, nurturing, and enlightening.
When you are sending your child off to a girls’ residential school, there are a few things that she should carry with her so that she can enjoy a comfortable stay in the school hostel.


School hostels do not provide towels and students are expected to carry one with them. Make sure you send lightweight and quick-drying towels. Send at least two, so that they have one available if the other towel is dirty.

Choosing a backpack and suitcase

It is always advised to have a front loading backpack in order to avoid the need to dump out your bag each time you need something. If you share your room with someone, it is always better to lock your bags and suitcase rather than blindly trusting people. See to it that your daughter knows to keep her valuables and other belongings locked.


While the school may have a fully equipped computer lab, do give your little one her own laptop that she can use for entertainment and to keep in touch with you through Skype or other social media. She can even use the laptop to finish written assignments and projects.


You never know who your child could end up sharing a room with in the school hostel. Now, most people are genuinely nice, but there are chances that her roommate may snore, listen to loud music, or hold loud conversations with family and friends. Under such circumstances, having noise-cancellation earphones would be a boon for your girl.

Other things one should carry for a hostel stay include the following

  • Bedroll and pillow
  • Bed linen
  • Few locks and keys
  • Your soap, detergents, hand wash, nail cutter, a thread and needle, tooth brush, tooth paste, nail file, shampoo, conditioner, whatever your basic needs are
  • An iron, even if you have a laundry service, just carry one
  • An electric kettle to make hot chocolate or cup soups

Remember, it will take time for your daughter to adjust to the new environment. Be supportive about it. After a while, she will get used to it when she makes friends and learns to love her new school and life. The things mentioned here will help her settle down quickly and make her stay at the best girls’ residential school in Dehradun more comfortable.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

2 Key Characteristics of a Good Boarding School

Boarding schools have a considerable impact on the personalities of their students, as they essentially are their primary point of contact with the world during their formative years. Boarding school students learn to interpret the ways of the world as well as acquire the life-skills to navigate through it at their school itself. Hence, it is imperative that a residential school has certain features that assist them to ensure the bright future of their students.

Two of the key characteristics of a good boarding school are as follows:
  • Focus on extracurricular activities: Most established residential schools lay a major focus on the holistic growth of the students, and encourage them to pursue their hobbies and passions. In case of day schools, students get the option to attend various extra-curricular classes after school hours. However, since students belonging to boarding schools do not have this option, it is highly imperative that they get all these facilities within the premises itself and most good residential schools have state-of-the-art activity rooms where the children can learn and practice various art forms.  Also, some of the most renowned boys and girls boarding schools in Dehradun and other such smaller towns are located amidst an opulence of open spaces, which provides them with ample spaces to participate in a number of sporting activities.
  • Safety and wellbeing: Since in boarding schools, students spend all their time within the school premises, it is highly imperative that the school takes all the required precautions to ensure their optimal security, safety, and well-being. These schools should essentially have adequate security and surveillance features that make sure of the physical safety of the students. The school must also make sure that the students receive proper nutrition, so that they can stay healthy and fit. In addition to this, it is highly imperative for the school staff to ensure the psychological and mental wellbeing of the students too. As such, these schools also have counseling as well as life-skill training classes.
In case people want to enroll their wards into the best and most reputed boys and girls boarding schools in Dehradun or some other educational hub of the country, they can do their research to identify the best residential schooling facilities available in the country.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

3 Reasons to Enroll Your Child to a Premium Boarding School

Schools play an important and vital role in the development of children. This is because, in the modern world, most people spend the majority of their formative years at school. This is particularly true for those studying in residential or boarding schools, as much of their childhood is spent within school premises.
Hence, parents and guardians must ensure that they choose a world class residential school in which to enroll their wards. This will facilitate the holistic development and all-round growth of children, shaping them into productive, balanced and responsible adults.

Some of the reasons why it is so important to choose a good school for your child have been listed below.

  • Social Development: A residential school helps students develop social and interpersonal skills. This is important because, in the real world, anything worth doing can only be done with the help of other people. To be successful, a person must know how to attract and engage the right people to take a project or mission forward. The ability to form deep and meaningful bonds with other people is essential for long term success. Good schools help cultivate team spirit and leadership skills in the students.
  • Personality Development: As students spend the vast majority of their formative years within the premises of a residential school, therefore much of their personality development also takes place in the school. The school must therefore take measures to ensure that the children grow up to be emotionally stable, compassionate, self-motivated and well-rounded individuals. Having a resilient and independent personality can enable a person to reach their full potential and find success in life.
  • Ethical Development: The development of a child’s moral and ethical fiber is also influenced, to a great extent, by the school which he or she attends. Therefore, the institution must teach students to be responsible, fair-minded and honorable global citizens. Integrity and a sound ethical grounding are extremely important for future success, as without them all other talents and skills would be rendered meaningless. No one, after all, would employ or do business with a person whom they cannot trust.

Therefore, you should enroll your child to one of the best boarding schools in Mussoorie, Dehradun or any other city in India known for being a hub of secondary education. There, they will be able to achieve holistic growth and all round personal development.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Prime Advantages of Admitting Children into CBSE Schools in Dehradun

Schools have a significant role to play in enabling the students to their maximum potential and achieving academic excellence. The career paths of the students are majorly defined by their academic knowledge, and therefore choosing the ideal school for their children is often considered as one of the toughest decisions a parent has to make.

Importance of Choosing a CBSE School

While enrolling their children into a school, parents should make sure that it is affiliated with a renowned and reputed educational board, such as CBSE. Studying in a school belonging to a good academic board would be eventually advantageous while they pursue higher education, and even as they search for employment opportunities.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the most well-known educational boards of the country. While CBSE schools are found in almost every major city of India, some of the best educational intuitions affiliated to it are located in Dehradun. Over the years, Dehradun has emerged as a prime education hub of the country. A number of premier CBSE boarding schools in Dehradun have performed excellently well in board exams which further stand testimony to the quality of education that these schools maintain. Its serene environment and opulence of green spaces provide an ideal setting that encourages the students to put greater concentration into academics.
Here are some of the prime advantages of admitting children into CBSE schools, preferably in Dehradun:

  • The syllabus of the CBSE board is frequently upgraded so as to stay relevant to the ever-evolving global scenarios. This syllabus is additionally formulated by taking into account the international standards of education, so that the students studying under this board can pursue their higher education from universities and colleges abroad with ease.
  •  The best CBSE boarding schools in Dehradun also provide assistance in preparing their students for important competitive exams like Union Public Service Commission exam (UPSC), Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), and National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET). As the syllabus of CBSE is marginally similar to the IIT entrance examinations, students studying in this board are able to perform quite well in the national level entrance tests for medical and engineering.
  • The CBSE curriculum is especially designed to make the system of academics innovative, interesting, and engaging for the students. It lays emphasis on enhancing the reasoning and analytical faculties of students, while encouraging an interactive system of education.
All the aforementioned benefits of studying under the CBSE curriculum, coupled with the strong governance of the boarding school can help a child shine out in a big way. And the presence of both these aspects makes boarding schools in Dehradun the first choice for parents, willing to put their wards in a residential school.

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Two Essential Aspects of Good Schooling

The Importance of a Good School
Most people spend a majority of their formative years in school. School, for them, is not just a place of academic learning and development. Rather, it is the place where the personality of the students is formed, their social and interpersonal skills are honed, and their ethical and moral fibers are developed. As a result, schools play an extremely important role in the overall growth and development of a child. Every parent, therefore, wants his or her child to receive the best schooling possible, with all the facilities and amenities required to give the child every opportunity for success.

This is particularly true for those sending their children to residential schools, as children spend a lot more of their time at a boarding school than in a day school. Consequently, a residential school has a lot more influence over the life of its students, making it even more imperative that it provides students with everything needed to ensure their wellbeing, happiness, and holistic development. There is more to a good school, however, than well-equipped classrooms and comfortable dormitories. Some of the essential factors that determine the quality of a school are as follows.
Essential Factors of Good Schooling

Good schooling is not simply focused on academic achievement, although academics forms an important part of a child’s development. Rather, a good school takes several factors into account, all of which influence the overall development and wellbeing of children. Some of these important factors that make for excellent schooling have been listed below for your convenience.

Health and Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of students is of primary importance. This is particularly true for students living in boarding schools, as their parents and guardians cannot always be there to attend to any health related problems or emergencies.

There are three important aspects that must be especially looked into when it comes to the health and wellbeing of children in schools. These include good nutrition, adequate medical facilities, and counseling facilities for the psychological wellbeing of students. At the best schools, a qualified nutritionist is hired to plan well-balanced meals for students. Experienced and caring nurses and a reputed doctor provide regular checkups. Additionally, a full-time counselor is also hired to guide students through emotional, academic, and interpersonal stresses.

Extra-Curricular Activities
The skills, passions, and interests of every child must be encouraged, nurtured, and highlighted. At a good school, every child is given the opportunity to shine in his or her chosen field. Specialized teachers and instructors are hired to discover, nurture, and refine the talents of students in various fields of music and dance including violin, keyboard, guitar, sitar, table, flute, Western Classical, Odyssey, Bharat Natyam, etc.

Budding artists are also encouraged to showcase their talents through a variety of mediums such as water color, pottery and clay modeling, acrylic and oil painting, wall painting as well as sculpting. Apart from this, the school must also have adequate facilities to cultivate athletic talents such as a cricket and football field, basketball and tennis courts, swimming pool, and a well-equipped gymnasium. A robust sports department is indispensible for the physical wellbeing of all children.

Therefore, if you would like to enroll your child to the best residential school in India, with all the above-mentioned facilities and more, then you should search the internet for the most reputed and well-known boarding schools in Dehradoon, Mussoorie, or any other city in India, known for being a hub of high-quality secondary education.