Wednesday, August 15, 2018

2 Key Characteristics of a Good Boarding School

Boarding schools have a considerable impact on the personalities of their students, as they essentially are their primary point of contact with the world during their formative years. Boarding school students learn to interpret the ways of the world as well as acquire the life-skills to navigate through it at their school itself. Hence, it is imperative that a residential school has certain features that assist them to ensure the bright future of their students.

Two of the key characteristics of a good boarding school are as follows:
  • Focus on extracurricular activities: Most established residential schools lay a major focus on the holistic growth of the students, and encourage them to pursue their hobbies and passions. In case of day schools, students get the option to attend various extra-curricular classes after school hours. However, since students belonging to boarding schools do not have this option, it is highly imperative that they get all these facilities within the premises itself and most good residential schools have state-of-the-art activity rooms where the children can learn and practice various art forms.  Also, some of the most renowned boys and girls boarding schools in Dehradun and other such smaller towns are located amidst an opulence of open spaces, which provides them with ample spaces to participate in a number of sporting activities.
  • Safety and wellbeing: Since in boarding schools, students spend all their time within the school premises, it is highly imperative that the school takes all the required precautions to ensure their optimal security, safety, and well-being. These schools should essentially have adequate security and surveillance features that make sure of the physical safety of the students. The school must also make sure that the students receive proper nutrition, so that they can stay healthy and fit. In addition to this, it is highly imperative for the school staff to ensure the psychological and mental wellbeing of the students too. As such, these schools also have counseling as well as life-skill training classes.
In case people want to enroll their wards into the best and most reputed boys and girls boarding schools in Dehradun or some other educational hub of the country, they can do their research to identify the best residential schooling facilities available in the country.

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