Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Importance of Student Support in Residential Schools

Boarding schools offer plenty of advantages which make them a popular choice. Along with the best teaching staff, qualified coaches and excellent campus and dorm infrastructure, the best boarding schools also have an efficient student support system. This ensures that students, both girls and boys, live and learn happily and peacefully, without any disturbance or turmoil in the mind. The best international girls boarding schools in Dehradun or the best co-educational residential schools in Mysore all have an impressive facility of student support.

Let’s take a look at the various levels where student support is extended.

  • Homeroom: A homeroom teacher, besides teaching, tends to address individual problems of students in a class. This teacher is like a parent to the children in his/her class and pays attention to details, ranging from attendance and leave record to resolving personal issues and maintenance of academic records.
  • Dorm tutoring system: Students may turn to the resident tutors with any academic problem, a topic or a lesson they did not understand at school. Such tutors ensure that students do not face any difficulties in coping up with studies while in the boarding facility, away from home.
  • Dorm supervisors: Students can get help from dorm supervisors in case they face problems in the dorm. This can be related to the hostel itself, the amenities, the roommates or even personal problems.
  • Counselling: A clinical counsellor is always present to address the students’ problems. Students can visit the counsellor with any kind of problems, such as loneliness, inferiority complexes, being bully victims, depression, aggression, social anxiety, insecurities, interpersonal relationships to name a few to receive help without being judged.
  • Special educator: Some children need extra guidance and support when it comes to academics and some usual school activities. A special educator in these schools works with the regular teachers to help such students with their lessons and activities.

Thus, whether you wish to admit your daughter into the best international girls boarding school in Dehradun or your son to a popular boys boarding school in Mumbai, you must choose one with an extensive student support system to ensure your child has a pleasant and happy schooling experience.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Features of Good Boarding Schools

The close-knit and communal style of living present in boarding schools significantly assist young minds to develop in a positive manner and have a significant influence on their overall personalities as well. Unlike in the case of typical day schools, boarding schools require children to both live and study on campus. Hence, the educational institution itself becomes a primary point of contact for the students with the outside world during their formative years and stands out as the place where they learn to understand the world around them. Boarding school students get to acquire important life and social skills in these institutions that go a long way in aiding them to efficiently navigate through any situations they might face in their future.

As boarding school students stay within the institutional premises all day long, it is crucial that they are equipped with certain features that help them to ensure the optimal well-being and good health of the students. Here are some of the features of good boarding schools:

  • To facilitate the all-round development of the students and build their self-confidence, these institutions encourage them to participate in various cultural functions and events. Most of these schools have opulent green and open spaces within their premises, where the students can play around freely in a pollution-free environment and enjoy a healthy standard of living. There are provisions for cricket, basketball, football, tennis and other common sports inside the premises of these institutions as well.
  • To ensure the security and safety of students, good boarding schools are also equipped with highly advanced security and surveillance features.
  • These institutions have basic medical facilities within their premises, to provide students with the necessary medical aid in the times of an emergency.
  • The food served in these school canteens are healthy and nutritious as experienced nutritionists are often employed by the institution to plan the menu.

There are many parents who tend to be apprehensive about sending their children to boarding schools owing to their high fee structure as well as rigorous curriculum. However, the fees of many boarding schools in India are quite affordable, especially the ones located in smaller towns and cities and as far as the curriculum is concerned, students are mentored very well to excel in studies. Details about the best affordable residential schools in the nation can be easily found on the web.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Guide on Enroling Your Child into a Boarding School

Dehradun is one of the most prominent educational hubs of the nation. There are, especially, a number of renowned boarding schools present in this city, which provide the students with the opportunity to live and learn in an environment that is conducive to learning. These institutions are especially famed for facilitating the holistic growth and all-round development of the students.

When planning to enrol their children into any good boarding school of Dehradun, parents should firstly check out the mission, vision, objectives, past results, as well as the fee structure of these institutions. The Dehradun boarding school fees are typically much more reasonable than the diverse residential institutions located in the large cities and urban centers of the nation.

Common steps involved in enroling children into the best Dehradun boarding schools

Parents desiring to enrol their children into the most renowned and prestigious boarding schools present in the educational hub of Dehradun would firstly have to carefully fill up the admission form of the selected institution. After the admission forms are filled up, the students seeking admission into the schools have to appear for a written assessment. These written examinations are typically designed to evaluate the overall proficiency of the students in the important school subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Science, as well as second language (usually Hindi). The questions asked to the students in such examinations are largely based on the syllabus of the class the child is currently studying in. Students can usually find the syllabus of the written examination, as well as a few sample question papers, on the online portal of the chosen boarding school.

Subsequent to the completion of the written examination, both the students and their parents would usually have to sit for an interaction with the admission committee of the institution. At the time of this entrance evaluation, the students would need to carry some important documents. These documents would include:

  •  Birth certificate
  •  Academic reports for the last couple of years
  •  Passport size photographs of the student and the parent

To find further information about the admission procedures and fees of Dehradun boarding schools, people can check out the websites of those institutions.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The most renowned residential educational institutions of India nowadays have a well-defined security management structure in their campus to ensure the wellbeing of the students. Prominent boarding schools especially focus on developing effective security policies for the optimal protection of their students as well as staff members. The policies of the best girls and boys boarding school in India are especially known to highlight the diverse processes and procedures that have to be followed in the campus during any type of an emergency.

All prominent boarding schools today have round-the-clock security in the campus. Some of them even have a Safety and Security Department, which is responsible for monitoring, managing, and handling any kind of concerns that might arise in relation to safety and security in these institutions. These are two of the most vital tasks that are conducted by these in-campus security departments:
  • These departments are usually staffed with experienced and trained professionals who are able to recommend the best practices that have to be followed in any institution so as to ensure the optimal safety and security of the students. They usually make these recommendations to the relevant Senior Management of the school.
  • The staff members of this department are typically responsible for monitoring, as well as responding to any type of emergency that might arise in the campus during any time of the day. They are tasked with the responsibility to monitor the CCTV network present in the best girls and boys boarding school in India in order to prevent any instances of bullying and other such malpractices. These institutions have zero tolerance policy towards bullying, and also take a solid stance against drug and alcohol abuse and have an adequate security infrastructure in place to ensure their prevention.
Common injuries and illnesses in these world-class boarding schools are also handled in-house by a full-time doctor. In addition to ensuring the physical well-being of the students, majority of boarding schools today put a great amount of emphasis on ensuring their mental health as well. As such, these schools always have school counselors who are ready to provide the needed guidance and emotional assistance to the troubled students.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Key Features of the Best Boarding Schools in India

Boarding schools provide a lot of advantages to students. They make them independent, well-disciplined, better at accepting and resolving life’s issues, and develop a positive mindset. Thus, many parents wish to admit their children into boarding schools all over the world. Even in India, the trend of sending children to boarding schools is increasing due to these advantages. However, parents often consider a few things before they can send their children to boarding schools. Be it a Mumbai, Delhi or Dehradun boarding school fees, infrastructure, health and security are some common considerations always there in the mind of parents. And the best boarding schools in India make sure these concerns or worries are removed owing to some great features which are as follows.


The best schools have amazing infrastructure with sprawling campus which is Wi-Fi enabled and provides courts and areas for practising a number of sports and physical activities. The academic and administrative activities are carried out in separate buildings so that learning may not be disturbed by anything at all. The classrooms are equipped with latest technological features, ergonomically designed furniture, and open spaces to experience learning amid a natural setting. Hostels are separate for boys, girls, and younger students. The dorms are airy, spacious, have comfortable beds and furniture, and provide great spaces for studying, recreation, and living happily and peacefully.


The meals provided to students at these schools take proper care of their nutritional statuses. The meals are approved of by trained nutritionists and menus changed regularly in consultation with mess committees which comprise students and staff. Every student gets a balanced diet suiting his or her dietary preferences and this ensures their health is maintained.


These schools have tight security. There are CCTV cameras monitoring every corner of the campuses and trained guards always on duty. There are security bodies which look into security issues, counsellors resolving intra and interpersonal issues, and strict policies against substance abuse.

Thus, parents, before admitting their wards in a boarding school, should consider the aforementioned features. Sending their children to these schools will relieve them of any worry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Nutritional Care at the Best Boarding Schools in India

Boarding schools provide a number of advantages due to which they are gaining increasing popularity. While students are often excited to live and learn in a new environment away from home, their parents might be worried about many things. One of the major worries is whether their children will get proper nutrition and be able to maintain their health. This concern is taken very seriously by the top boarding schools, some of which are also the most affordable boarding schools in India. And this is why they have a system of meals and nutrition that will ensure students maintain their health and can study well too. Salient features of the nutritional system at such schools include:
  • Balanced diet: A balanced diet is important for growth and development. These schools ensure all students get a balanced diet so that they grow, develop, study, play and maintain good health. The catering team and a trained nutritionist see to it that students get balanced diets. 
  • Vegetarian and non-vegetarian options: Oftentimes, parents and students get anxious about the food type at boarding schools but it is not so at these schools. These schools provide vegetarian and non-vegetarian food so that students can properly eat their preferred type of food.  
  • International cuisine: To suit dietary preferences and habits of students from various parts of the world, these schools provide dishes of different origins like Indian, Thai, Chinese, and Continental, etc.
  • Changes in menu: Nobody likes to have the same kind of food regularly. And, all good boarding schools know this well, hence, regularly change the menu so that students do not get bored with the food. This helps to prevent tendencies to eat less or avoid eating as the food may get boring after a period of time. 
  • Mess committee: These schools have mess committees consisting of staff and students to discuss issues regarding the food, decide upon menu changes, etc
Thus, if you want to send your child to an affordable boarding school in India, make sure that while evaluating all its aspects you also find out whether it offers the above features. This will only help ensure that your child gets proper nutrition along with a good education and important life skills.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Major Advantages of Having Counseling Sessions in Schools

Nowadays, school counselors have become an integral element of majority of renowned primary, secondary and high-secondary educational institutions of the world. These professionals strive to improve student behavior, facilitate student achievement, and also encourage positive social behavior amongst them. Good counseling and guidance plays a major role in encouraging school going children to polish their overall personality, and grow up to be a productive part of the society. The best girls and boys boarding schools in India conduct specialized counseling sessions for students where they are given advice and guidance on how to properly manage and deal with diverse stress related issues, as well as personal problems and emotional conflicts that they may be facing.

Proper life skill counseling significantly assists the students to incorporate various important lessons and skills into their life.  Here are some of the major advantages of having counseling sessions in schools: 

  • During the adolescence period, students are often faced with diverse types of issues and conflicts that cause them a great amount of mental stress, and even have an adverse impact on their studies at times.  In the counseling sessions the students are provided with proper guidance on how to deal with such problems. The best boys boarding schools in India and girls especially have such facilities, as for the residential school students the institution they study in is always their primary point of contact with the world.  In counseling sessions these students get the chance to candidly talk about their personal problems and seek advice on how to solve them. Apart from valuable advice on how to cope with diverse types of situations they might face in their life, in these sessions the students are often taught how to behave positively in certain stressful scenarios.
  • School counseling sessions can help quite a bit in shaping the overall behavioral pattern and habits of the students. They are encouraged to be disciplined, hard-working and systematic in these sessions.
  • School counselors often help students to select their career path, and find the area where they can reach their full potential.
  • School counseling sessions are often quite impactful in enabling the students to live in harmony and peace with their peers, and improve their social skills.

Due to the great importance of counseling in schools, it is imperative that parents ensure that an institution has such facilities before enrolling their children there.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Importance of Student Support in Residential Schools

Boarding schools offer plenty of advantages which make them a popular choice. Along with the best teaching staff, qualified coaches and excellent campus and dorm infrastructure, the best boarding schools also have an efficient student support system. This ensures that students, both girls and boys, live and learn happily and peacefully, without any disturbance or turmoil in the mind. The best international girls boarding schools in Dehradun or the best co-educational residential schools in Mysore all have an impressive facility of student support.

Let’s take a look at the various levels where student support is extended.

· Homeroom: A homeroom teacher, besides teaching, tends to address individual problems of students in a class. This teacher is like a parent to the children in his/her class and pays attention to details, ranging from attendance and leave record to resolving personal issues and maintenance of academic records.

· Dorm tutoring system: Students may turn to the resident tutors with any academic problem, a topic or a lesson they did not understand at school. Such tutors ensure that students do not face any difficulties in coping up with studies while in the boarding facility, away from home.

· Dorm supervisors: Students can get help from dorm supervisors in case they face problems in the dorm. This can be related to the hostel itself, the amenities, the roommates or even personal problems.

· Counselling: A clinical counsellor is always present to address the students’ problems. Students can visit the counsellor with any kind of problems, such as loneliness, inferiority complexes, being bully victims, depression, aggression, social anxiety, insecurities, interpersonal relationships to name a few to receive help without being judged.

· Special educator: Some children need extra guidance and support when it comes to academics and some usual school activities. A special educator in these schools works with the regular teachers to help such students with their lessons and activities.

Thus, whether you wish to admit your daughter into the best international girls boarding school in Dehradun or your son to a popular boys boarding school in Mumbai, you must choose one with an extensive student support system to ensure your child has a pleasant and happy schooling experience. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Top Three Advantages of Studying in a CBSE School

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the most extensively recognized education boards of the country, and schools affiliated to it can be found in almost any part of India. This education board aims at providing the students with a curriculum that makes the process of learning extremely engaging, simple and interesting for every child. The best CBSE schoolsin Dehradun are especially renowned for facilitating a system of interactive education and providing its students with an environment that is conducive to learning.

Here are the three major reasons why parents should try to enroll their students into schools affiliated to the CBSE: 

  • Student friendly: CBSE holds the reputation of following an extremely student friendly curriculum.  The schools affiliated to this board ideally focus on making sure that their students get the opportunity to enjoy a well-rounded and holistic education with the help of interesting textbooks, interactive teaching methodologies and engaging curriculum and do not face any kind of undue pressure. All the CBSE schools typically follow books designed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) that typically feature a host of activities and tasks that enable the students to gain knowledge and learn in a highly enjoyable manner. This factor subsequently goes a long way in minimalizing the tediousness and boredom that is often associated with academics, by making the overall system of learning both exciting and interesting for the students.
  • MCQ pattern of examination: The CBSE curriculum puts a major focus on the ‘Multiple Choice Question’ or MCQ pattern of examination. This educational board ideally encourages the students to both learn and understand diverse subjects and topics thoroughly, so as to answer questions and solve problems of an extensive variety rather than just mugging up texts and reproducing them verbatim in the exam. The question papers of the CBSE schools are typically designed with the purpose of testing the overall knowledge of the students as opposed to just their capacity to memorize information and details from the text books. 
  • Beneficial for Higher education: Students planning to pursue higher education in institutions like the IITs or AIIMS can significantly benefit from studying at CBSE schools as the national level competitive exams like IIT JEE and NEET are usually conducted by this educational board.
Parents can explore the web to get detailed information about the admission process of the best CBSE schools in Dehradun, Mussoorie and other parts of the country in order to enroll their children there.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Top Three Characteristics of a Good Boarding School

Residential schools are a place where apart from imparting quality academic education, special emphasis is laid on developing the key personality traits of students, nurturing their passions and abilities as well as strengthening their ethical and moral values. Although every parent puts in a lot of thought before finalizing on a school for their child, little bit of extra planning and research is required in case of residential schools as the children not only study but live here. Here’s more on the key features that make for a good residential school.

·         Location:  Boarding schools should ideally be located in a tranquil and relatively secluded area, which is surrounded by ample greenery. This helps in creating the right environment where students can focus on their studies and other extra-curricular activities. For instance, some of the best boys and girls boarding schools can be found in Dehradun, as its secluded atmosphere keeps the students from being   distracted by the typical distractions of urban life, like partying, gaming and clubbing.  The natural surroundings of these schools also encourage the students to participate in sporting activities, exercise regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle.

·         Academics:  Good boarding schools should ideally help students develop a thirst for knowledge.  They should encourage the students to participate in various renowned competitions and fests, such as national and international subject Olympiads. These schools should also aid the students in preparing for competitive exams such as the IIT JEE and NEET, which they might have to face in the future.  

·         All-round development:  In addition to academics, boarding schools should also put a major focus on the all-round growth and development of the students. One of the key reasons behind this being that students studying in residential institutions spend all their time inside the school premises and hence have to learn everything they can at the school itself. These schools should thus try to identify and nurture the inherent talents and abilities of its students, and subsequently encourage them to realize their dreams and follow their passions. Extra-curricular activities including fine arts, sports, music, and dance should also be given due importance in the school syllabus.

Parents looking to put their children in the best boys or girls boarding school in cities like Dehradun, Jaipur, Pune etc. can always acquire detailed information about their admission criteria and process from the school websites. From the websites parents can even seek all details about the school’s infrastructure and achievements basis which they can start preparing their wards for the admission process.