Thursday, January 10, 2019

Top Three Characteristics of a Good Boarding School

Residential schools are a place where apart from imparting quality academic education, special emphasis is laid on developing the key personality traits of students, nurturing their passions and abilities as well as strengthening their ethical and moral values. Although every parent puts in a lot of thought before finalizing on a school for their child, little bit of extra planning and research is required in case of residential schools as the children not only study but live here. Here’s more on the key features that make for a good residential school.

·         Location:  Boarding schools should ideally be located in a tranquil and relatively secluded area, which is surrounded by ample greenery. This helps in creating the right environment where students can focus on their studies and other extra-curricular activities. For instance, some of the best boys and girls boarding schools can be found in Dehradun, as its secluded atmosphere keeps the students from being   distracted by the typical distractions of urban life, like partying, gaming and clubbing.  The natural surroundings of these schools also encourage the students to participate in sporting activities, exercise regularly and lead a healthy lifestyle.

·         Academics:  Good boarding schools should ideally help students develop a thirst for knowledge.  They should encourage the students to participate in various renowned competitions and fests, such as national and international subject Olympiads. These schools should also aid the students in preparing for competitive exams such as the IIT JEE and NEET, which they might have to face in the future.  

·         All-round development:  In addition to academics, boarding schools should also put a major focus on the all-round growth and development of the students. One of the key reasons behind this being that students studying in residential institutions spend all their time inside the school premises and hence have to learn everything they can at the school itself. These schools should thus try to identify and nurture the inherent talents and abilities of its students, and subsequently encourage them to realize their dreams and follow their passions. Extra-curricular activities including fine arts, sports, music, and dance should also be given due importance in the school syllabus.

Parents looking to put their children in the best boys or girls boarding school in cities like Dehradun, Jaipur, Pune etc. can always acquire detailed information about their admission criteria and process from the school websites. From the websites parents can even seek all details about the school’s infrastructure and achievements basis which they can start preparing their wards for the admission process.  

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