Thursday, June 25, 2020

3 Values A Child Learns in a Boarding School

Kasiga School, Dehradun Camp

A child is best pampered at home. This may prevent them from realising the true value of certain things. As a result, they might start taking certain things for granted. But in a boarding school, a child learns from their own mistakes, adapts into a new atmosphere, and gains new experiences that can transform them as a human being. Here are some values that a child learns while he/she is in the boarding school:


Daily tasks like getting up early in the morning, getting ready, attending classes, completing homework on a timely basis become the responsibility of the child in a boarding school. Apart from this, they ensure that they would keep their clothing and bed neat and clean. This gives a sense of responsibility and helps them grow as an individual.

Team Spirit

If your child is your only ward, and thus receive all the attention, it might prevent them from realising the value of sharing. In a boarding school, they will live with kids who belong to their age bracket. This will build a sense of team spirit and sharing that will help them a lot in the long run. Apart from this, living with a group of children will provide them with exposure to different cultures and ethnicities.

Discipline and Punctuality 

Boarding schools can help your child inculcate values of punctuality and discipline in a seamless manner. While boarding schools give importance to discipline, be it attending classes or completing homework, it will help your child understand the value of punctuality. With this, your child will be able to have a definite routine, and thus learn the importance of discipline.

These are some of the values that your child can inculcate that will transform them as a person and even help them a lot in the long run. Also, it is important that you only choose a top boarding school in Dehradun to ensure that you enrol your ward in a school that offers well-designed academic curriculum, proper infrastructure, and qualified staff members.

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