Monday, December 27, 2021

Key Features of Good Schools with Hostel Facility in Dehradun

Dehradun has always been the ‘go-to’ place for good boarding schools in India. The verdant surroundings, clean air, and a cool and calm atmosphere make Dehradun an ideal place for boarding schools where children can live and study without any disturbance. Here’s more on the key features of good boarding schools in Dehradun.

 Huge Campus 

All the good boarding schools in Dehradun have a state-of-the-art campus with world-class infrastructure. Right from the activity areas to the classrooms and playgrounds, every aspect of these boarding schools is designed to ensure the complete comfort of students.

Well Designed Dorms 

The boarding school takes due care to ensure that children living in their facility do not feel uncomfortable in any way. As such, the dorms are designed to ensure that children do not feel cramped in a small space and have their private area, even though they may be living with other children. 

Excellent Teaching Facilities

 Most Dehradun schools are known for their excellent academic track record. Their pedagogy is designed in a manner that the children’s creativity is not pressed in any way. The teachers hired by these schools also have years of experience and expertise in the respective subjects and can, as such, deliver their best when it comes to nurturing young minds. 

Great Facilities for Co-scholastic activities 

The hostels in Dehradun not only ensure academic excellence but also excellence in various co-scholastic activities. These schools ensure that students get good training in different disciplines of sports and performing arts so students who are good in these fields can make a career out of them. 

Pastoral Care

 Good boarding schools in Dehradun emphasize on the mental and physical well-being of their students. Thus, they have good pastoral care. They have highly trained, experienced counselors and psychologists who are always there for the children to cater to their said and unsaid needs.

 Health and Nutrition

 The top boarding schools in Dehradun are also known for the excellent quality of food they offer. They have highly qualified nutritionists and chefs to ensure that the children are getting proper nutritious food. They also have excellent medical facilities to attend to emergencies in case any child falls sick or feels unwell.

Thus, the boarding schools in Dehradun have the best facilities to ensure that the children are well taken care of and nurtured with love.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Taking Admission in a Boarding School

Education today is beyond textbooks. Today schools focus on educating the children on every aspect of life, so they become global citizens. Along with academic excellence, the schools strive to ensure that the children have excellent social skills and can grow up to be good human beings.

Although all schools strive to ensure that the children are nurtured in every aspect, residential schools always have an edge over others. They have the children with them 24X7 and can thus groom them in every aspect of life, right from getting up early in the morning to doing their daily chores all on their own. Parents too realize this and are quite keen on sending their children to good boarding schools in places like Mussoorie, Dehradun,

Here’s how to go about taking admission to a good boarding school

The very first step of taking admission in any school is first finalizing the school. To zero down on this, the internet would be the best way out. Parents can simply search for boarding schools in their preferred area, they can search for schools based on the curriculum they follow, etc. Here, they would also have the option to further narrow down their search based on parameters like Dehradun boarding school fees or the best academic performance of Pune schools. After finalizing a school based on the desired criteria, people can then start with the admission procedure.

The Admission Procedure

The very first step here is filling the form which can be downloaded from the school’s website. Parents have to first register on the school’s website, pay the registration fees and then download the form,

Along with the form, parents usually need to send photocopies of the birth certificate, address proof, as well as last grade, attended. After these documents are received by the school, the school authorities’ send a confirmation and also notify parents about the date of the examination. 

On the scheduled day, students have to appear for the examination and answer the paper given by the school. This examination is basically designed to check the student’s proficiency in Mathematics, Language, Science as well as the 2nd Language that the child may have opted for. If the child fares well in this examination, they are called for a one-to-one interaction session with the principal. Parents have to accompany the child for this session as the principal may want to know moirĂ© about the child’s background as well as judge the parent’s readiness to send the child to a boarding school away from home. 

Admission procedures may vary from institution to institution. Parents must visit the schools to understand the admission process properly.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Here’s why parents prefer hostels in dehradun for their children

Dehradun has some of the most amazing schools with hostel facility and children from some of India’s most well-known families have done their schooling from some of these reputed boarding schools. Dehradun holds its reputation as the go-to place for the best boarding schools and here’s more on the reasons why:

Excellent academic results: Dehradun has some of the top schools that have maintained the top ranks in board exams and students of such schools also fair extremely well in the competitive exams. This performance excellence is because the boarding schools here have some of the best teachers who are not only experts in their subject, are also great educationists. Therefore, under the supervision of such wonderful mentors, students become well equipped to ace these exams.

Great Environment: Dehradun is a quaint city located at the foothills of the Himalayas in the Doon valley and it is blessed with the bounty of nature and its calm. As such, tucked away from the hustle of highly urbanized cities, Dehradun makes the perfect abode for students where their minds can be stress-free, yet alert and receptive to learning. This is another reason why along with the heritage institutions that the city was already known for, even some of the new schools in Dehradun with hostel facility are in high demand.

Budget: Since Dehradun is mostly known for good schools and a great academic environment, there are schools with different free structures. While there indeed are good schools with state-of-the-art infrastructure and amenities with the fee structure on the higher side, there are also very good schools that would be suitable for the mid-income group. Parents looking to send their children to a good boarding school in Dehradun would thus have ample choices of schools to ensure that their wards get the best education while staying safe and comfortable in a hostel.

Therefore, parents who are preparing to send their children to a boarding school can always check the schools in Dehradun with hostel facility and select one that matches all their expectations.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Overview on Features of the Top Boarding Schools of Dehradun

Dehradun has some of the best boarding schools in the country where children can come to live and study in the most nurturing environment. Along with academic excellence, these schools also ensure the all-around development of the children who are growing up under their care. Owing to the holistic development that these schools ensure, many parents nowadays who are keen on sending their wards to boarding schools are often seen searching for Dehradun boarding school fees and other such details on the internet. Here’s more on the features of the top boarding schools in Dehradun.

Location: The top boarding schools are situated amidst verdant surroundings where there is peace and tranquillity. This ensures that students live and study in a calm and chaos-free atmosphere where they can focus on their academic and extracurricular development without any distractions. The calm and quiet surroundings where these schools are located also motivate students to go outdoors, explore their natural surroundings and also practice various kinds of sports as well as yoga and meditation. Many a time, the infrastructure and location of the school even become a determining factor for a particular Dehradun boarding school fees.

Pastoral Care: Parents nowadays are very careful about ensuring the physical as well as mental well-being of their children and as such are quite critical when it comes to the pastoral care received at a boarding school. The boarding schools in Dehradun are extremely careful about ensuring the mental well-being o their children and have dedicated counselors always willing to give a patient ear to the children. In these schools children never feel alone or left out as they know they are always loving and caring teachers.

Academics and extracurricular: Well-established boarding schools are staffed with experienced teachers who work dedicatedly to hone the mental faculties of the children. Along with the regular school studies, most of these schools also offer special coaching and training for students about to appear for competitive exams such as the IIT JEE and NEET. These schools also have highly qualified teachers even for the extra-curricular activities which helps ensure the all-around development of the children. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

New teaching methodologies widely adopted in top schools in Dehradun today

Like every other aspect of life, education too has evolved. The teaching methodologies that were in use about a decade ago are obsolete today. Nowadays, the teaching and learning process is more hands-on and teachers have to plan their lessons in a manner that they promote better student engagement, teamwork, and of course, academic performance enhancement. Some of the best schools in Dehradun have fees structures designed in a manner to ensure that the school can easily facilitate such activities without worrying about the cost involved.

Here’s an overview of some of the new methodologies that are widely in use these days:

Hands-on Learning

Students learn best when they get the opportunity to explore concepts hands-on. This is facilitated with the help of field trips, experiments, as well as dioramas, wherein students get to use the concepts learnt to explore various processes in nature. The dioramas further help in presenting the concepts in practice. Schools in Dehradun are primarily known for this approach as they take the students on field trips along the nature trails that are plenty in Dehradun and let them explore nature in action.

Group Discussions

After completion of every topic, teachers these days dedicate a session or two to free discussion wherein students are encouraged to present their thoughts, findings, and observations on the lesson. This allows students to present their ideas on a topic and also helps the teacher assess their understanding. Many schools in Dehradun even facilitate such classes in open green spaces so students feel refreshed and can draw inspiration from nature while presenting their topic.

Game-based Assessments

Some of the top schools in Dehradun have received accolades for various game-based assessment programs they have in place for students. Some of these schools also give students tabs so they can easily access such assessments. Best schools in Dehradun include the cost of these in the fees so parents are not burdened with making the purchase later on. Such game-based assessment programs work wonders in increasing student engagement, thus improving learning outcomes.

With these new methodologies in place, students are able to learn new concepts well and understand their practical applications in a more structured manner.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Key Personality Traits That are Enhanced in Boarding schools

The concept of boarding schools is deep-rooted in the Indian way of life. What we today know as boarding schools were earlier known as Gurukulas and children were sent to these institutions at an early age in order to ensure their all-round development. The system of boarding school education has always been so relevant because in such institutions children develop some amazing personality traits which can make them wonderful human beings who can contribute to the development of society. 

Some of these key personality traits which the top boarding schools in Dehradun, Delhi, Mussoorie, Noida and all other cities, essentially nurture have been outlined here.

Adjusting to New Surroundings and Thriving in the Same

When children are sent to a boarding school, they find themselves in an all-new environment and physical space. No matter how good the facility is, it is not home and as such not the natural comfort zone. When put in such an environment, children automatically learn to acclimatise to the conditions and in due course even thrive in their new surroundings. This equips the children with all the necessary skills to adjust to all kinds of socio-cultural environments.

Independent Decision Making

In a boarding school, children are pretty much on their own and cannot really turn to their parents for advice each time they have to make a decision. This makes the children very independent and helps in developing reasoning and decision-making skills which are usually considered the key to success in adult life. 

More Accepting Towards Different Cultures and Ideas

In a boarding school, children from different backgrounds and ethnicities live and study together. A child cannot really choose who he/she would share the room or the dorm with. This helps them gain a good understanding of different cultures and values. In such an environment, children learn to be open to different ideas and also become more accepting towards each other. This trait helps them grow up into global citizens who can co-exist harmoniously with people of all kinds.

Social Skills

Having good interpersonal skills and social skills is said to be the key to a smooth sailing stay in a boarding school. Children living and studying in boarding schools quickly learn how essential it is to have good social skills and to be able to strike a good rapport with the peer group. This essential trait stays on for life and such children grow up to be amiable human beings who can easily fit in all kinds of social circles.

The top boarding schools in Dehradun, Mussoorie, Darjeeling, Jaipur, etc., also do their best to ensure that the children whom they nurture develop these essential traits and grow up to be wonderful human beings.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Here’s why parents prefer hostels in dehradun for their children

Dehradun has some of the most amazing schools with hostel facility and children from some of India’s most well-known families have done their schooling from some of these reputed boarding schools. Dehradun holds its reputation as the go-to place for the best boarding schools and here’s more on the reasons why:

Excellent academic results: Dehradun has some of the top schools that have maintained the top ranks in board exams and students of such schools also fair extremely well in the competitive exams. This performance excellence is because the boarding schools here have some of the best teachers who are not only experts in their subject, are also great educationists. Therefore, under the supervision of such wonderful mentors, students become well equipped to ace these exams.

Great Environment: Dehradun is a quaint city located at the foothills of the Himalayas in the Doon valley and it is blessed with the bounty of nature and its calm. As such, tucked away from the hustle of highly urbanized cities, Dehradun makes the perfect abode for students where their minds can be stress-free, yet alert and receptive to learning. This is another reason why along with the heritage institutions that the city was already known for, even some of the new schools in Dehradun with hostel facility are in high demand.

Budget: Since Dehradun is mostly known for good schools and a great academic environment, there are schools with different free structures. While there indeed are good schools with state-of-the-art infrastructure and amenities with the fee structure on the higher side, there are also very good schools that would be suitable for the mid-income group. Parents looking to send their children to a good boarding school in Dehradun would thus have ample choices of schools to ensure that their wards get the best education while staying safe and comfortable in a hostel.

Therefore, parents who are preparing to send their children to a boarding school can always check the schools in Dehradun with hostel facility and select one that matches all their expectations.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Top Advantages Of Enrolling Children To Boarding Schools

The importance of holistic development and growth is becoming increasingly prominent across the world. To be optimally successful in the modern environment, one needs to have skills beyond good academic qualifications. They should be disciplined, dedicated, self-reliant, and confident. The schooling young children go through plays a vital role in laying down the foundation of such skills. Boarding schools have especially proven to deliver excellent outcomes in regards to the all-around development of their students. Most of these residential institutions put a great level of focus on the extra-curricular training and personality building of the students, in addition to their academic excellence, which in turn helps them to grow up as productive members of society. 

Here are some of the top advantages of enrolling children in boarding schools: 

  • Self-reliance: A lot of children, especially in India, are dependent on their parents for diverse everyday activities, till they finally graduate college. However, boarding school students are taught to be self-reliant from a very young age. They are encouraged to complete various simple daily chores by themselves as well and develop the capacity to take important decisions independently. The self-reliant nature of such students aids them in the transition process from school into college, and ultimately the world at large. 
  • Cultural diversity: Boarding schools typically attract students belonging to diverse cultures and backgrounds. As a result, learning and growing up in such an incredibly dynamic environment helps the students to become more open-minded individuals. Boarding school students usually fare better when it comes to appreciating and respecting the differences. 
  • Character development: Most residential schools encourage the development of certain positive traits among students, such as discipline, respect, hard work and honesty. 

Boarding schools in Dehradun are especially known to facilitate an environment that is conducive to learning. In this quaint town, students do not get much access to modern distracters like video game parlours, malls, and clubs. Moreover, owing to the large expanse of green spaces surrounding the Dehradun boarding schools, its students get the opportunity to lead a fitter and healthier life. For detailed information on boarding school Dehradun fees and admission process, one can easily visit the website of any such schools.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Reasons to Choose Boarding Schools for Your Kid

Choosing the right school for your children is among the biggest responsibilities you have as a parent. The schooling your child gets plays a crucial role in their personality building, learning experiences, future prospects, social skills, as well as physical and psychological well-being. One of the most popular choices in this regard are boarding schools. Enrolling at a boarding school can help your child become confident, independent, and productive individuals. Other advantages of choosing boarding schools include:

Access to a Plethora of Extracurricular Activities and Sports

Encouragement for engaging in extracurricular activities and sports is much higher in boarding schools than in typical day schools. There are several boarding schools in Mussoorie, Dehradun, and other cities that have football fields, basketball courts, swimming pools, and much more, within their premise, so students can easily enjoy the sporting activity of their choice. Such expansive sports facilities are usually not seen in day schools.

Development of Punctuality and Discipline

Boarding schools naturally instil a sense of discipline and punctuality among the students. In these institutions, the students are taught to maintain a schedule for their everyday activities, including waking up, studying, playing, eating, and sleeping. Long-term practice of these habits helps in grooming the students to become responsible and dependable adults in the future.

Fewer Distractions

Day school students often end up sitting for hours in front of the television or play video games after coming back from school. Boarding schools, on the other hand, strive to maintain an environment meant for learning. Students’ time with screens and technologies is kept limited, which allows them to concentrate more on academics, personal development, and other productive activities.

Encourages Self-Reliance

Boarding school students learn to take care of themselves and their chores from a young age and grow up to be independent individuals. Day school students, on the other hand, have a more sheltered upbringing.

You can find some of the best boarding schools in Mussoorie, Dehradun, etc. and choose the one that you feel will benefit your child’s education the most.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Importance of Holiday Homework for Children

For children, a long winter or summer vacation can be a great opportunity to spend time with friends and family and enjoy fun-filled activities. Often, this long break can lead the child to lose their grasp on studies. Holiday homework at the school is designed to help students feel connected to learning every day. During summer or winter break, students tend to procrastinate and become lethargic. They prefer spending time in front of the screen playing online games and surfing the internet. The goal of homework is to allow children to enhance their knowledge and skills. Here are a few reasons why school holiday homework is important for children:

Encourage children to study independently

During long vacations, students are away from the school and school environment. The holiday homework allows the child to take responsibility for their studies and project completion. They learn to work on different subjects independently without any support from their teachers and classmates. It encourages them to boost personal creativity and be independent when it comes to completing their holiday homework and projects. 

Allow students to learn time management skills

Over the holidays, children may waste their time playing and indulging in unnecessary activities. Holiday homework is a great idea to balance the situation and ensure that students do not waste their time. Students will learn to manage their study schedules, segregate their tasks, and finish their projects on time. The holiday homework is the best way to instill time management skills and a sense of responsibility in young minds. 

Learning becomes a family affair 

Holiday homework helps parents be updated about what their child is studying in school. Often, these assignments are extensive and need guidance and assistance from parents. So, holiday homework is a great way to connect family members with the student’s assignments and projects. It helps parents to converse about the subjects and activities a child is learning at school. 

Overall, school holiday homework allows students to stay connected with the learning process while enjoying a vacation with family. With proper planning and dividing the tasks, student can complete their assignments on time.

Monday, February 8, 2021

4 Tips that Can Come in Handy While Looking for a Boarding School

A boarding school that offers quality education can help accelerate your child’s overall growth. This is because the resources available in this type of school ensure that every child is given the best opportunities available in the country. However, it can be an overwhelming task for parents to find the right boarding school for their child. Mentioned below are four tips that can help you in finding one: 

1. Dedicate Some Time to Researching

One of the most important steps for parents is giving time to the research. You can start with the internet, there is a lot of information available that can help in finding the best boarding school for your child. While you are at it, reading the experiences of other parents can further help in shortlisting schools where your child can study in the future. 

2. Focus on the School Rankings 

Once you are confident about your research on the web, it is time to move on to the next step. Going through school rankings published by renowned educational institutions every year is highly recommended. This is mainly because these rankings help in creating authenticity and reliability of each school mentioned on it. 

3. Make a Visit to Potential Schools 

As a parent, we all wish the best for our children. So, when it comes to finding the best boarding school, it is important to visit the ones that have been shortlisted. Be it the boarding schools of Dehradun, Jodhpur, or other cities in India for that matter, you should consider checking out the premises, the facility. The amenities offered at these schools can be evaluated once you see them in person.

4. Do not Exceed your Budget 

Oftentimes, some parents tend to presume that boarding schools with a high annual fee offer the best education to their children. This is not necessarily true because several boarding schools in the country offer quality education without charging exorbitant fees. Moreover, parents should not exceed their budget while finalising a boarding school. 

With the help of these tips, finding the ideal boarding school for your child should not be a challenge anymore!

Thursday, January 7, 2021

4 Tips for Choosing the Best Boarding School in Dehradun

When it comes to boarding schools, Dehradun is reputed to one of the best cities in the country. There are several renowned day boarding and residential schools in this city located at the foothills of the Himalayas that parents from all over the country enrol their children here. Due to so many options available, there is a lot of confusion about which boarding school would be ideal for your child. To help you out in this matter, mentioned below are four tips that might come in handy: 

1. Dive into Researching 

One of the most rewarding tips for parents looking for the best boarding school in Dehradun is researching. Taking out time from your busy schedule to do this task is important as it will help you understand several aspects of boarding schools in general. Moreover, reading reviews and testimonials of other parents can help you shortlisting certain schools.

2. Learn about School Rankings 

It is a known fact that the boarding school of Dehradun rank higher in several lists created by education institutions in India. So, it would be wise to go through these lists and find out about the top-ranking boarding schools situated in this city. Once you have the names, you can add or delete from your shortlist accordingly. 

3. Focus on the Amenities Offered 

Your child’s education and well-being should be the main areas of focus when you are looking for a boarding school. To fulfil them, amenities play a big role. A boarding school that offers extracurricular activities such as sports, theatre, music, dance, debating, robotics, etc., would be better equipped to shape your child’s personality. 

4. Visit the Prospective Schools

The right way to find an ideal boarding school in Dehradun would be to pay a visit to all the prospective schools that you have shortlisted. Seeing the premises, the living quarters for children, availability of extracurricular activities within the complex, and classroom atmosphere would further help in choosing the best boarding school for your child. 

With the help of these four tips, finding the most suitable boarding school in Dehradun for your child should not be a challenge anymore!