Wednesday, September 8, 2021

New teaching methodologies widely adopted in top schools in Dehradun today

Like every other aspect of life, education too has evolved. The teaching methodologies that were in use about a decade ago are obsolete today. Nowadays, the teaching and learning process is more hands-on and teachers have to plan their lessons in a manner that they promote better student engagement, teamwork, and of course, academic performance enhancement. Some of the best schools in Dehradun have fees structures designed in a manner to ensure that the school can easily facilitate such activities without worrying about the cost involved.

Here’s an overview of some of the new methodologies that are widely in use these days:

Hands-on Learning

Students learn best when they get the opportunity to explore concepts hands-on. This is facilitated with the help of field trips, experiments, as well as dioramas, wherein students get to use the concepts learnt to explore various processes in nature. The dioramas further help in presenting the concepts in practice. Schools in Dehradun are primarily known for this approach as they take the students on field trips along the nature trails that are plenty in Dehradun and let them explore nature in action.

Group Discussions

After completion of every topic, teachers these days dedicate a session or two to free discussion wherein students are encouraged to present their thoughts, findings, and observations on the lesson. This allows students to present their ideas on a topic and also helps the teacher assess their understanding. Many schools in Dehradun even facilitate such classes in open green spaces so students feel refreshed and can draw inspiration from nature while presenting their topic.

Game-based Assessments

Some of the top schools in Dehradun have received accolades for various game-based assessment programs they have in place for students. Some of these schools also give students tabs so they can easily access such assessments. Best schools in Dehradun include the cost of these in the fees so parents are not burdened with making the purchase later on. Such game-based assessment programs work wonders in increasing student engagement, thus improving learning outcomes.

With these new methodologies in place, students are able to learn new concepts well and understand their practical applications in a more structured manner.

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